Non-fiction about architecture with elements
of wimmelbook and comics
On planet Earth, there are 8 billion people. And everyone needs a home. Over time, we have learned not just to survive, but to live. People have ascended into the sky, descended to the ocean floor, ventured into outer space, and even left footprints on the Moon. After all these adventures, the most important thing always and at all times remains the desire — to come home.

People all over the planet are connected by this desire, despite different lifestyles, values, tastes. Where do you live? In a tent, on a cliff, in a castle, or maybe renting a room in an attic? Cast into uncertainty, WE ALL look for the light in the windows of our home. The home that HUMAN built.
The house that HUMAN built
Pani Krani is a little spider searching for home. He travels using his spider web. Did you know that spiders could do that? He crosses continents and countries, visiting the most diverse people in the most amazing HOMES. Pani Krani knew that his journey would be read by children, that is why he chose VERY magical houses! Our spider has visited a shoe-house, a pine-cone house, a stone house, an invisible house, a house... But why shall we list them all? You’d better read about them in detail.

Of course, from all his journeys, Pani has brought a small souvenir. Can you guess what it was? Besides souvenirs, Pani has gathered very important knowledge: what HOME meant to different people. And, of course, at the end of his journey, he understood what HOME meant to him — little spider who had everything to weave his own unique web.
We are all a little Pani Krani
Cosswiller, France
Yamal, Russia
Heliodome / The Whirligig House
California, USA
The Pine Cone House
Vals, Switzerland
The Underground House
Mexico City, Mexico
Villa Barbaro
The Snake House
Barcelona, Spain
Gaudi's Casa Batlló
Maryland, USA
Gotland, Sweden
The Invisible House
The Loneliest House
South Sudan
Traditional huts
Dresden, Germany
Африка, ЮАР
The Singing House
Vienna, Austria
The Very Narrow House
Hundertwasser House
Fafe, Portugal
The Stone House
Houses we tell about
Sketch of the spread with The Singing House
Features of the book, and beware of SARCASM
Non-fiction, wimmelbook and a bit of comics. This book combines elements of a wimmelbook, non-fiction and even comics. You can examine, read, explore the world of architecture and enjoy the amazing journey of Pani Krani on each spread.
An architect participated in the work on the book. Thanks to this, the illustrator took into account the true scales and constructive features of the houses. We thoroughly studied the ideas of the authors-architects, conveyed these ideas simply and accessibly. So that this complex interesting book would be understandable not only to children but also to adults ;)

That's why the houses in this book look SO realistic. And each of these fairy-tale houses takes your breath away.
You will definitely want to travel after our book! Or maybe...
well, maybe,
your unique HOME,
keep a spider in it.
All these houses have been or remain residential.
Series (because Pani Krani has many stories):

The house that HUMAN built
While working on this book, we found SO MANY unique houses that there are enough for another edition. > View the list of houses that did not make it into this book.

The house that ANIMAL built (and BIRD, and FISH, and INSECT)
Here Pani embarks on a world journey to houses built by animals and insects. All these dwellings also represent high architectural value! We will see that every house that human builds is inspired by houses from the animal world.

The House That IS OUT THERE
So! Pani Krani has mastered all the earthly dwellings. But the research thirst sends our hero to SPACE. Pani is going to visit space stations and see how astronauts live. What is their life OUT THERE high up where we so eagerly look at during the night? Do the astronauts miss the Earth? What attracts them to the space? What is home to them? And is it possible to build a house on the Moon? Or on one of Earth's neighboring planets? What could such houses look like... Interesting, isn't it?

The House that Once WAS
During his space adventure, Pani Krani meets a physicist scholar. Pani begins to eagerly study the mysteries of the Universe structure. This is how he discovers a way to travel in time and space. What did houses look like in the eleventh century, hmm, and BCE? What did HOME mean for people of the past? Get ready to go on the most unusual journey in your life and maybe, get a little bit closer to the home.

The House that is a Restaurant
Pani Krani is a gourmet spider. Haven’t you seen him cooking flies forshmak? Well, and after so many travels, one needs to go on a real gastronomic tour! This time, he goes on a world tour of the most unique restaurants. Where it's not only delicious, but also architecturally beautiful. You will like it.

The author’s story:
"A couple of years ago, my daughter, who was two at the time, found a stick like this on the road. She said it was a spider named Pani Krani and we need to paint him!
— Why Pani Krani? — I asked.
— Because it is his name.

I noted down this idea and thought that one day Pani Krani would tell us his story. And so it happened."
Where did Pani Krani come from?
Technical Information

Non-fiction + wimmelbook



Number of pages



235*316 mm


Svetlana writes fairy tales in the genres of surrealism, psychedelics, absurdity, and non-fiction.
She worked for a long time as a fine art photographer in the international market. This has influenced her writing. In her works, she likes to mix different genres and areas, including photography and illustration.

Author of the publishing projects studio of Russian writer and literary agent Darya Plaksunova

Graduate of the writing workshop of Russian children's writer Anna Nikolskaya

Svetlana lives and works in Graz, Austria

Svetlana Dimitrova /
Graduated from the Art and Industry Academy in St. Petersburg, Graphic Design department.

Twice winner of the international competition for book illustration and design "Image of the Book"in 2020 and 2022, nominations: "Best non-fiction illustrations" and "Author's book".

Anna’s books "Where Letters Come From" and "Just Draw!" are published by EKSMO, the largest publisher in Russia, imprint BOMBORA.

Anna works with publishers such as EKSMO, A Walk Through History, Gorodets, Vakosha.

Created a lettering course for beginners for the online design school CONTENTED
Anna Lyubimova / Illustrator
Graduated from one of Europe's best universities, RWTH Aachen, with a degree in architecture.

She works in an architectural studio in Germany and implements her own author's projects as a freelance architect and designer in Russia and Europe.
She has worked on federal construction projects in Russia: Perinatal Center, Republican Hospital, Museum and Cultural Complex of Khakassia.
She has been awarded governmental certificates.

Anna Kempf / Architect and Interior Designer
Some of the major projects include:
— Reconstruction of the Drama Theater, Khakassia, Russia
— Design of the tourist information center, Russia
— Design of the Psychoneurological Dispensary, Khakassia, Russia
— Office designs in Germany
— Developed and implemented an exhibition concept for fashion designers at the "De Mains de Maitres Luxem" exhibition in Luxembourg
— The author and architect of the museum center project "Ancient mounds of the Salbyk steppe", Khakassia, Russia

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